
How To Cook Hamburgers On Stove Top

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Everyone loves hamburgers cooked on the grill, but what about hamburgers cooked on the stovetop? Do they all the same gustation good? The answer is a definite yes! Y'all tin can melt juicy, flavorful hamburgers in the condolement of your kitchen without having to fire up the grill. You might fifty-fifty find that your stovetop burgers rival their grilled counterparts.


  • 1.5 pounds (0.68 kg) of ground beefiness
  • Salt
  • iv buns
  • Cheese, optional
  • Toppings, optional

Servings: four

  1. i

    Purchase good beef with a meat to fat ratio of 80/20. If your beef is too lean, information technology won't cook up well as a burger. Avoid anything that's 90% or above, for instance. If you want to go a little bacteria, 85/15 volition work, but 80/20 is a better option.[ane]

    • Endeavour buying beef that's freshly ground at the butcher counter for the all-time quality.
  2. 2

    Make patties that are most half-dozen ounces (1.7 hg) apiece. If you tin can, utilize a kitchen calibration to rapidly measure them out. Otherwise, guess the patty size based on the amount of meat you accept.[ii]

    • For instance, if you accept i.5 pounds (0.68 kg) of meat, yous tin brand well-nigh four portions.


  3. iii

    Course the patties as gently as you can. The less you mess with the meat, the more tender it will be. Form a loose patty as quickly as you tin before moving onto the next one. To form the patty, ringlet the meat into a light ball, then flatten information technology out into a patty.[3]

    • You don't need to brew the patties or knead the meat. That will make the meat tough.
  4. 4

    Press a dimple into the center of each patty. Patties tend to create a dome-shape when cooking. To combat this problem, push your thumb into the middle of each patty, creating a dimple.[4]

    • However, if you prefer your patties to puff upward, y'all can skip this step.
  5. 5

    Put the patties in the fridge for twenty minutes. Cover the patties upwards, and permit them arctic. Chilling the patties helps them stay together meliorate when you melt them, and the eye won't cook as quickly.[5]

    • Don't leave the patties out at room temperature, equally that can encourage bacteria to grow.


  1. 1

    Rut a cast iron skillet over high oestrus. Place the pan on the stove, and plough the burner on high. Allow the pan rut up on its ain earlier you put the burgers in. Y'all can splash a fiddling water in to see if it'due south ready. If the water instantly sizzles, the pan is likely hot enough.[6]

    • You can also use a griddle pan or another type of skillet, but a cast atomic number 26 skillet helps sear the chaff.
  2. 2

    Common salt the patties right before you cook them. Common salt pulls out moisture if you get out it sitting on the patties, which yous don't want to happen with hamburgers. Sprinkle salt on the exterior before you lot put the patties in the pan to help retain the juiciness.[7]

    • You tin as well add a niggling pepper, if yous'd like, or fifty-fifty employ a seasoning mix like seasoned table salt.
  3. three

    Place the patties in the hot skillet. Gently gear up each patty in the skillet. Be sure to avoid any popping grease equally yous practise! The patties should beginning making noise as soon as they're in the skillet, commencement to create a prissy, seared crust.[viii]

    • If y'all take one, use a splatter screen to avoid popping grease from the pan.


  1. 1

    Flip the patties after 2-four minutes. On loftier oestrus, the first side should exist done within a couple of minutes. When you flip the patty, y'all should meet a prissy gilt-brown crust on the other side. Even if you prefer your patty to be rare to medium, you all the same want the crust on the outside.

    • Employ a sparse spatula for flipping. A thin spatula makes it easier to get under the seared chaff.[9]
  2. 2

    Cook the patties no more than than ten minutes. After 10 minutes, the patties will definitely be well-washed. If you want yours medium or medium-rare, cook the patties for less fourth dimension.[10]

    • Check the temperature by inserting a meat probe from the side. Ground beefiness is well-done at 160 °F (71 °C). The Nutrient and Drug Administration recommends cooking basis beef to this temperature.[11]
  3. 3

    Push cleaved pieces dorsum together. Sometimes, your patty will fall apart. If information technology does, just use the spatula to move them dorsum together. If it cooks that style for a few minutes, information technology should stay together.[12]

    • It helps to add cheese at the end, as information technology will help the patty stay together.
  4. four

    Add together cheese in the terminal minute of cooking. If y'all want cheese, place the slices on the patties at the end. Cover the pan with a lid or aluminum foil, which will reflect the heat back downward to melt the cheese.[xiii]

    • Many cheeses work well with hamburgers. American cheese melts well, but cheddar, Gouda, Monterrey jack, blue cheese, or Swiss are besides be delicious.
    • It tin can help to add a small dash of water to the pan. The water volition instantly turn to steam under the chapeau, and the steam will help melt the cheese.
  5. 5

    Remove the patties and serve them. Use the spatula to accept the patties out of the pan. Place them on a plate, or motion them straight onto toasted buns. Add in extras you similar, and dig in!

    • You can use condiments like mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, or bbq sauce.
    • For toppings, try raw onions, grilled onions, lettuce, tomato plant, grilled mushrooms, cooked bacon, or avocado slices, just to name a few.


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  • Question

    What should a hamburger's internal temperature be?

    Community Answer

    Rare: 125-130 F Medium Rare: 130-140 F Medium: 140-150 F Medium Well: 150-155 F Well: 160-212 F

  • Question

    When should I add barbecue sauce to my burger?

    Community Answer

    It's best to add toppings similar barbecue sauce to your burger in one case you've taking it off the grill and placed it on a bun.

  • Question

    When do I add the cheese?

    Community Answer

    Add it xxx to 45 seconds before taking the burger off the grill.

  • Question

    Doesn't the salt make the blood in the meat come out?


    Ground meat doesn't have pure blood in it, if it'southward been prepared properly. Seasoning the beef volition not harm the meat or the terminal product.

  • Question

    How will that small amount of oil cook that chunk of meat?

    Community Answer

    The fatty from the meat itself provides oil as well. Think to brainstorm hamburgers in a cold skillet.

  • Question

    How can I melt the insides of a burger quickly?

    Community Answer

    You could fry it on the stove on high oestrus for 5-10 minutes. Bank check if the eye is cooked properly.

  • Question

    What binder tin I use instead of eggs for hamburgers?

    Community Answer

    I would recommend using a mixture of milk and cubed bread. Work this into your ground beef, along with your preferred spices, making a juicy, pan-fried hamburger.

  • Question

    Do you lot put oil in the skillet before frying?

    Community Answer

    Dice-hard cast-iron aficionados would say this is optional - simply everyone else would say aye, add together a little olive, sesame, or rice bran oil to the pan get-go.

  • Question

    How long do I cook hamburgers in the oven?

    Community Answer

    That depends on a few different things, like the size of the hamburgers and the oven temperature you're using. The all-time style to ensure they are cooked safely is to use a meat thermometer and make sure they are cooked to 160ºF (71.1ºC).

  • Question

    What heat exercise I use when cooking hamburgers on the stove?

    Community Answer

    Stovetop temperatures tin vary wildly, but I've establish that medium is the best bet for cooking hamburgers. Be sure to use a meat thermometer and cook them to 160 deg. f (71.1 deg. c), to ensure they are cooked safely.

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Things You'll Need

  • Thin spatula
  • Skillet or griddle
  • Skillet chapeau or aluminum foil
  • Plate

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Article Summary X

To cook hamburgers on the stove, start by shaping your hamburger patties and heating a cast atomic number 26 skillet over high estrus. Next, salt the patties, place them gently into the skillet, and let them cook for two-iv minutes on each side. If you want to add together cheese, identify the cheese slices on the patties at the end of the cooking process and cover the skillet with a lid or aluminum foil until the cheese melts. Then, remove the patties from the rut and serve the burgers! To learn how to prepare hamburger patties using raw meat, keep reading!

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