
How Long To Cook Broccoli At 450

How to Cook Broccoli in the Oven: your complete guide to making the all-time, crispiest oven-roasted broccoli.

Hey, friends. I have another unproblematic side dish tutorial for y'all today, how to cook broccoli in the oven.

And I am And then excited virtually this 1 because if this isn't how you've been oven-roasting your broccoli, your life will from here on forever exist changed for the meliorate.

Considering this broccoli is the best broccoli.

Nosotros're talking crispy, crunchy, toasty, roasty broccoli tops and creamy, dreamy broccoli stems.

We're talking literally 5 minutes of prep time and 15 minutes in the oven.

And we're talking broccoli so expert that if you lot're not careful, y'all'll eat half of it off the baking tray before information technology ever makes its manner to a plate.

Picture of crispy oven-roasted broccoli on a baking sheet.

If yous've read some of my earlier side dish tutorials similar How to Steam Broccoli in the Microwave, How to Cutting Butternut Squash, and How to Steam Cauliflower in the Microwave, yous'll know I normally keep these posts pretty brusk and sweet, but this 1's a scrap longer considering it'due south total of tons of broccoli tips and tricks from how to prep broccoli in advance to how to get the crispiest roasted broccoli.

See Likewise: Asparagus in the Oven

Only if you lot're in a hurry, feel complimentary to curlicue right past to the recipe. 😉

Okay, let'due south talk all almost roasting broccoli in the oven.

How to Prepare Broccoli for Roasting

Prepping broccoli for roasting is piece of cake. Y'all just demand to get-go with clean, dry(-ish), broccoli florets cut into bite-size pieces.

Why start with dry broccoli? Because wet broccoli heads volition steam rather than crisp up, so for the crispiest broccoli, become it as dry as possible earlier roasting.

To dry out your broccoli, you tin can leave it to dry out on a towel on the counter for an 60 minutes, use a salad spinner, or wrap it in a towel and milk shake off as much liquid as possible.

How large of florets to cutting your broccoli for roasting is up to you. I do find that smaller florets end up crispier, and so I usually cut mine into small bite-size pieces.

Packaged pre-washed and cutting broccoli works perfectly well for oven-roasting, and while I don't honey the extra cost or packaging, sometimes the convenience can be a real lifesaver. If using pre-cut florets, don't be afraid to cut them into smaller chunks.

Image of crispy oven-roasted broccoli on a plate with baked ziti.

How to Get the Crispiest Broccoli

Everyone knows crispy broccoli is the best. To get the crispiest broccoli with toasted, almost burnt edges, this is what y'all're going to desire to do:

  • Start with dry out broccoli (we already covered the why above).
  • Don't crowd the broccoli. There should be enough infinite to lay the broccoli out in a single layer so all the edges tin can get crispy.
  • Smaller florets = crispier broccoli.
  • Flip if you really want to. Flipping your broccoli half-way through volition requite yous slightly crispier broccoli, just I hate doing it unless I'thou roasting large chunks because it takes forever. I discover smaller florets already get really crispy without this pace. Merely if y'all're roasting larger florets, requite it a go or apply a spatula to stir the broccoli halfway through.

Those are all the tips and tricks I have for yous today. Ready to roast some broccoli?

How to Melt Broccoli in the Oven

1. Showtime with clean, dry broccoli cut into small florets.

How to Cook Broccoli in the Oven Photo of chopped broccoli.

2. On the blistering tray, combine broccoli and oil and use your hands to toss the broccoli and so all sides are coated. For the crispiest broccoli, I recommend using the full ii tablespoons, but if you are trying to cut back the corporeality of oil yous cook with, y'all tin can get away with just i tablespoon. Arrange broccoli in a single layer.

How to Cook Broccoli in the Oven Photo of olive oil being drizzled over broccoli.

three. Sprinkle generously with salt, pepper, and garlic powder (and/or other preferred spices). Bake at 450° for 12 to 20 minutes, until stems are fork-tender.

How to Cook Broccoli in the Oven Photo of oven-roasted broccoli.

4. And that's it! Serve aslope something delicious (like Bootleg Carnitas, Oven-roasted Tri-tip, Baked Ziti, or Salsa Craven) earlier your broccoli gets cold, and endeavor not to hog all the crispiest $.25. 😉


Can I prep broccoli in advance for roasting?

Absolutely. Prepping a big batch of broccoli in advance is a great style to make sure that you have an easy vegetable side available at all times. Launder and cutting your broccoli and then dry completely.

Store broccoli in a loosely covered (not air-tight) container or half-closed handbag with a folded dry out paper towel to help blot moisture. Properly prepped broccoli volition keep for iii to 4 days, upwardly to a week if you're lucky.

When yous're ready to serve the broccoli, all you have to practise is transfer it to a baking sheet, toss with oil and seasoning, and bake.

Does roasted broccoli brand good leftovers?

Yep and no. Roasted broccoli is best correct out of the oven when it'south still hot and crispy. In one case cooled and reheated, it nevertheless maintains all that delicious roasted broccoli season, simply information technology becomes quite soft and no longer has all those picayune crispy bits. I'll happily swallow leftover reheated roasted broccoli, merely I'd rather but prep a big batch of precut, prewashed broccoli at the beginning of the week and roast it fresh every repast.

Tin can I roast frozen broccoli?

Yes. I discover that frozen broccoli doesn't come out crispy the way fresh broccoli does, but it however roasts up cute and delicious. Follow the recipe as written when cooking frozen broccoli. No changes are needed.

How tin I get really dark, virtually burnt broccoli?

Okay, if you lot're like me and prefer broccoli that'south basically been charred within an inch of its life, hither's a little extra tip for yous.

Subsequently prepping your broccoli on the pan with olive oil and seasoning, give it a light spray all over with a cooking spray similar PAM. The actress oil will really help everything crisp up extra well.

Bake for an additional 5 minutes or then over the recommended cooking time, until the florets are equally charred equally you want them, keeping a close eye on the broccoli in the last few minutes of cooking time.

More than Easy Vegetable Sides

  • Roasted Green Beans
  • Roasted Zucchini
  • Microwave Corn on the Cob
  • Microwave Baked Potato
  • Microwave Sweet White potato

Crispy oven-roasted broccoli on a baking sheet.

  • 1 pound of broccoli
  • i to two tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Preheat oven to 450°F.

  • First with clean, dry broccoli and cut it into small-scale bite-size florets.

  • On a baking sail, combine broccoli and oil and use your easily to toss the broccoli so all sides are coated. Accommodate broccoli in a single layer.

  • Sprinkle generously with salt, pepper, and garlic powder (and/or other preferred spices). Broil for 12 to 20 minutes, until stems are fork-tender.

  • Serve and enjoy immediately.

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