Sausage & Rice Soup - Gluten Free

This gluten-complimentary Smoked Sausage and Rice Soup is the perfect easy weeknight meal! It packs in poly peptide, carbs, 4 different veggies, fresh herbs and bone broth. The smoked season of the sausage adds tons of flavor to the soup – you won't believe it's gear up in 30 minutes!

I cannot go enough of zee soup lately. It's non fifty-fifty cold here, simply possibly my acupuncturist is right. She's been telling me for years to end eating raw foods like salads and focused on warming, cooked foods. And I accept to admit – she's correct! My digestion is thanking me for giving it all of this pre-digested food steeped in broth.

This Gluten-Free Smoked Sausage & Rice Soup was born out of convenience, similar well-nigh of my recipes. I had a package of our family unit's FAVORITE organic, grass-fed smoked sausage links, a bag of Bonafide Provisions Chicken Broth and the former standby veggies: onion, celery, carrot and sweet potatoes.

It'southward difficult to make a "bad" tasting soup, but I will pass forth some of my tips to ensure you love the terminate result.

How To Brand Soup

i. Start with a flavorful base cooked in fatty. The base of any soup is usually season adult through either caramelization, saute or browning.

2. If your soup contains meat, think almost if you desire the meat to add flavor to the soup, or if it's just in that location to add bulk. In this recipe, we brown the smoked sausage to increase its depth of flavour and allow it to simmer in the soup as the veggies cook.

iii. Add more than seasoning than you think you lot need! A sprinkle of table salt, pepper and herbs probably won't cut it, if you actually want a stand up-out soup. When using dried herbs, add together them earlier in the cooking process so they have time to rehydrate. When using fresh delicate leafy herbs like parsley or cilantro, merely add together those at the end. Heartier fresh herbs like rosemary and thyme should exist added before in the cooking process with dried herbs to develop season.

4. Make sure you're using the right amount of liquid. I don't recommend cooking absorbent grains similar rice directly in your soup pot. Rice absorbs too much liquid and it's all-time to add pre-cooked rice at the end of your cooking time. It will still absorb extra moisture and thicken up the soup, but will leave some goop backside to be enjoyed on your spoon.

five. Cease your soup with a hitting of acrid. Not that kind of acid, Dad. Something like vinegar or lemon juice to brighten up the flavors so you lot're not eating a bland pot of mush.

6. Lastly, don't overcook your veggies! Not all soup needs to be simmered on the stove for hours on end. Too long of a simmer time can break downward veggies similar potatoes, carrots and squash far too much.

gluten free sausage rice soup

Ingredients in Sausage & Rice Soup

1. Mirepoix: a fancy French word for the common vegetable base of many dishes which includes onions, carrots and celery.

two. Sweet potatoes: to add bulk and nutrients to your soup. You can use any kind of potato here though!

3. Bone Broth: I don't use the carton variety of goop which oftentimes contains MSG and additives. The simply make I use is Bonafide Provisions Chicken or Beefiness Bone Broth. Information technology tin be found in the freezer alley of many grocery stores. When y'all defrost it, you lot'll encounter how gelatinous it is – merely similar whatever good homemade broth should be!

4. Smoked Organic Grassfed Beef Sausage: We buy the Kiolbassa brand sausage (from our local Publix), simply whatever smoked sausage volition do. The sausage adds a lot of flavor to the soup so don't skimp on quality!

5. Organic jasmine rice: Did you know organic white rice is easier to digest than brown or wild rice? If you desire to make information technology even easier to digest, soak the uncooked rice in filtered water for 24 hours. Y'all rice will be a bit mushier once you cook information technology – but this is a expert tip for anyone with digestive health issues.

Looking for more Gluten-Free Healthy Soups To Try?

Healing Ginger Chicken Soup with Butter Broth

Thai Lemongrass Chicken Soup

Chicken Pot Pie Soup with Bootleg Biscuits by Paleo Running Momma


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Smoked Sausage & Rice Soup

  • Author: Alaena Haber
  • Prep Fourth dimension: 15 min
  • Cook Time: xxx min
  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Yield: 4 bowls 1x



i parcel Kiolbassa organic grassfed beef sausage, sliced into ½-inch coins

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 cup diced white onion

1 cup chopped celery

1 cup chopped carrots

three cups sweet potato, peeled and cubed into ½-inch pieces

1 tablespoon dried parsley

one tablespoon dried chives

ane teaspoon sea table salt

3 cups chicken or beef bone broth

1 cup filtered water

½ cup coconut foam

1/3 loving cup chopped fresh parsley

1 tablespoon apple cider or coconut vinegar

1 cup uncooked jasmine rice, cooked using your preferred method*

*make sure the rice is pre-cooked and prepare to add in stride 6


  1. In a large bandage iron skillet, cook sausage over medium loftier for 3 minutes per side until nicely browned. Set aside.
  2. In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium rut. Melt onion, celery and carrots for 5 to 6 minutes until onion is translucent.
  3. Stir in sugariness potatoes, dried parsley, chives and common salt, and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Add the bone broth, filtered water and coconut cream to the pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Add the sausage to the pot.
  5. Subtract the temperature to medium-low and cook for 8 to 10 minutes until the vegetables are tender but not overcooked.
  6. Stir in the fresh parsley, vinegar and cooked rice. Remove from heat and permit sit for 5 to ten minutes to allow the rice to blot liquid and thicken the soup.
  7. Ladle into bowls and serve warm.


  • I prefer to melt rice in the Instant Pot using a i:ane ratio of rice and water. In this recipe, yous'll utilize 1 loving cup uncooked jasmine rice and one cup filtered h2o.

Gluten Free Sausage & Rice Soup